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2016 Word of the Year

This photo has been used, reused, and recycled for a number of different periods this year. Originally, this moment was one filled with great inspiration, reflection, and appreciation during a trip with friends up to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness a couple years ago. With that in mind, it fittingly takes the place as the image for my 2016 "Word of the Year".

This tradition was started in our group of friends by the amazing Dustin Wagner. The idea, of course, is for one to select a word to act as one's "guiding light" for the new year in place of (oftentimes) ineffective resolutions. By allowing this word, and its essence, be a part of all that one does - one allows oneself to be positively and effectively changed for the better.

The past four days have been spent with great friends exploring the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado. While there, I experienced much reflection, great inspiration, and a magnitude of appreciation. It was in that awesome place and moment that my word for this year became undeniably clear: BALANCE. Balance in work, in family, in friends, and in travels. Balance in the things that I do and the commitments I make. Balance with the purpose being better in all that I do. Balanced to be the strongest, most effective, and best person that I can be for the individuals and the communities that I love most.

In a world that only gets busier and noisier by the day, I am excited to put this principle into place, cultivating an environment for all the exciting opportunities that sit before me to grow - with great intent, enthusiasm, and conviction this 2016.

What is your word of the year? I'd love to hear about them and help you achieve them in any way that I can!

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