Embrace "The North"
I was recently asked to articulate the reasons why I love the Minneapolis-Saint Paul community - specifically, why should someone move here and live?
The fact of the matter is, many people run from the frigid winters and claim that it is just “unbearable". That’s not too far from the truth, it is very frigid during a good portion of the year and, especially if you’re hanging out on your patio in shorts and t-shirt in January, then yes - it is probably “unbearable”. However, if you were to consider the great things that accompany the experience of residing in the Twin Cities, perhaps one can view the weather complaints as the sliver of the bigger picture that it is.
Here were my top 6 reasons why I believe someone should move to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area and live:

If you look outside today, chances are your eyes get the pleasure of seeing the beautiful Fall colors. Take a drive along the river valley and your jaw will drop in awe of its beauty.
You can commute by bike 12-months out the year. That’s right. Over 300 miles of trails and dedicated bike lanes are woven into the development of the Greater Twin Cities community. Most of these intricate systems connect to the Greenway, which acts as an “interstate” of sorts between the various trail systems.
Planes. Trains. Automobiles. If biking isn’t your thing, you can count on quick and easy access to the MSP airport to get you affordable flights in and out of the region, the new Green line light-rail train connects Saint Paul to Minneapolis allowing residents to expand their public transportation experience, and if you’re driving around the area, you can count on never being more than 20-30 minutes from your destination with convenient access to a number of highways and interstates.
If you want to take advantage of the nightlife, you’ve got a plethora of options between downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Uptown, sprinkled all over South Minneapolis, Northeast Minneapolis, Dinkytown and so many neighborhoods in, and around, the cities. Not to mention all the dining options you have on “Eat Street” which is comprised of over 20 blocks along Nicollet Avenue.
You’ll never meet people who cherish their summers more than Minnesotans. Throw Spring and Fall in there too while you’re at it! During these other times of the year, you’ll find roof top patios, balconies, outdoor pools, lakes, trails, and parks - all full of life, energy and vitality. Want to take off from the office earlier to avoid “cabin traffic” or spend more time outdoors with your family/friends? Chances are your boss will completely understand.
Without a doubt, my favorite thing about living here is the people and their sense of community. There is a tremendous amount of pride that exists in the native Minnesotans. They love their rich history filled with growth, development, and culture. There’s also an exponentially growing community of transplants from all over the world who passionately and contagiously want to contribute their voices, expertise, passions, and visions to help the cities continue to grow and be the amazing place that it is to live, work, and thrive. This energy and enthusiasm between both natives and transplants are almost palpable.
You can surely talk to 100 other residents of the Twin Cities and you’ll likely get 100 different answers. But these are my personal top 6 reasons why I passionately and unapologetically LOVE the Minneapolis-Saint Paul community - and even more so, the opportunity to now call it “Home”.
So while it may be frigid and “unbearable” for portions of the year, it also takes some very strong and resilient people to embrace the cold months and take in all the amazing things that the Twin Cities has to offer during the course of its year. We are strong and we are mighty. If you don’t believe me, I urge you to come visit and see for yourself! Oh, and if you happen to come in January, be sure to bring more than just shorts and a t-shirt.